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Here are the supporting resources for the book

  1. The Fundamental Family System Diagram
  2. The Family Business Model and Resource Assessment Forms
  3. The Resource Investment Quick Guide
  4. A set of slides to use with the assessment Forms
  5. A document for both defining your business model and investing

The Fundamental Family System Diagram

The fundamental family system shows the different elements of the family business model, the family resources and the how the family business model can produce gains if the results are good.

businss_infographic_gain_v4-Family-color (1)

Family Business Model and Resource Assessment Forms

These assessment forms and questions will help you identify your family business model, resources and alignment issues.


The Resource Investment Quick Guide

This quick guide is for you to reference when looking for ways to gain certain resources. I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to find ways to generate resources. I think many people don’t invest their time well because they just don’t know what they can do. There are so many ways to get your family flywheel going faster. I love seeing it happen in my family, and I’m sure you will, too.

Investment Quick Guide - Image for Web

Supporting Slides For The Family Business Model and Resource Assessment Forms

These slides are intended to be used with the Family Business Model and Resource Assessment Forms. They will walk you through each part of the business model assessment as well as the resource assessment.

Business Model Assessment Supporting Slides - For the Web

A document for both defining your business model and investing

This document is the text version of the Family Business Model and Resource Assessment Forms. It will walk you through all the business model and resources questions as well as the investment guide.

Business Model Questionaire Image for Web